Fiction – This fairy tale/parable is about the consequences of our choices and seeing the miraculous in the world around us.
“Thief” By Yana N. Troinich
Sometimes the path towards betterment starts with the worst action in your life; in order to become better, you must first acknowlege that you aren’t the person you could–and should–be.
“Sisyphus” by Yuri Alexandrovich Nikitin
Fiction – Legends tells of Sisyphus, the first king of Corinth. Having seen his cruelty and trickery, the gods condemned him to roll a huge boulder up a steep hill; but before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll back down, forcing him to begin all over again. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word “sisyphean” as “endless and unavailing, as labor or a task”. This is how his story is commonly understood. But here is a different take on Sisyphus’ legend…
“The Twilight of an Era” by Mark Pevsner and Alexei Pehov
Fiction. If neither foe nor loving friend can hurt you… But even the strongest among us may have wounds that won’t heal. This is one of those stories you cannot talk about without spoiling it.
“The Ascent” by Michael (Misha) Shengaout
Fiction. “Why do mountain climbers climb mountains? Can it really be just for the glorious view from the top? Weeks of suffering just for the beautiful scenery at the end of the road? I think the point is the ascent itself. However, life sometimes offers climbs even higher than Mount Everest. ” This story is inspired by Viktor Frankl, who appears as one of its fictional characters.
“Three dead gods” by By Shimun Vrochek
Fiction. “I am 43 years-old. I was born 27 years ago and yet, 17 centuries have passed since the day of my death”.
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