Our Site and Its Mission
ALL THINGS IFtm is a literary magazine inspired by the ideals and the spirit of Kipling’s poem “If-“, offering resources to help you live up to those ideals and spirit. Our magazine has the following categories:
- Translation of modern Russian prose;
- Original Fiction;
- Reviews of the inspiring books and music albums;
- Poetry;
- Editorials articles and viewpoints.
Our magazine is bi-monthly, published on 15th of even months (February, April, June, August, October, December). Here is the list of magazine issues. We hope you like our site and look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for spreading the word about “If” and the meaningful ideals it stands for!
Our Team
Michael (Misha) Shengaout is the Managing Editor of All Things If. Kipling’s poem “If” has always held a special place in his heart, helping him throughout whatever tests life would offer. He was born in the former Soviet Union, moving to the United States in 1990; he can recite this poem both in Russian and English. Other than his work with “All Things If”, he is busy with his family (three kids), his rock band (Six Elements) and his music label (Tower of Harmony). He also has a day job as a software developer!
Dr. John Meredig is an Editor and Translator of All Things If. He holds a doctorate in Slavic Linguistics from the University of Illinois and has been teaching at the University of Evansville in Indiana since 1996. He has translated numerous works of fiction and non-fiction from Russian and German into English.
Editors Emeritus
Susan Hawkins is the Senior Editor Emeritus of All Things If. She’s a writer, video producer and the happiest person you’ll ever meet. According to Susan’s belief system, we’re here for three reasons—to be happy, to learn and uplift one another. If we learn the right stuff, we’ll be happy. If we lift one another up, we’ll all be happy! All Things If, like Kipling’s poem, brings its readers the best of human thought, with no agenda other than to point those of us thirsty for a happy, fulfilled, meaningful life in the right direction. She’s right at home here!
Sue Bertram is an Associate Editor of All Things If, as well as a website content writer. She was drawn to the job at All Things If by a life-long love of and association with the poem. She heard her grandfather recite it often from memory and has passed it on to her children. Sue believes the poem holds out a beautiful ideal for which to strive in living out the God-given potential that resides in us all, though she understands it’s not necessarily a “God-thing” for everyone. Here, she feels happy to have found colleagues who, while diverse in their ideologies, believe in the possibility of living up to the expectations of a courageous ideal.
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